The supplemental .zip archive for this publication contains the following folders. R. programs were created using R version 3.5.1 (2018-07-02) -- "Feather Spray" and may not be compatible with earlier versions. Description of folders 1. Code One file processing all computations with raw data coming from folder "Data". 2. Data Data 75+ National: data which provide deaths at age 75+ for both sexes by cause (I=Influenza, P=Pneumonia, PI=both) and population. Data Death rates by age National: data of deaths by age and sex at national level. Data for models NUTS 2: data for computations at NUTS 2 level. Data for models NUTS 3: data for computations at NUTS 3 level. Names of NUTS: Names of NUTS 2 and NUTS 3 geographic units. Other data nat: Data for share of population vaccinated. 3. Figures Folder for figures 4. Shapefile Shapefile for map (Figure 1) 5. Table Folder for table Source of raw data Cause of death Data 1950->1952: Book collection "Statistique du Mouvement de la Population - 2ème partie", INSEE library. 1953->1967: Book collection "Statistique des Causes de Décès", INSEE library. 1968->1978: Book collection "Statistique des Causes Médicales de Décès", INSEE library. 1979->2015: Cepi-DC website Total population for CDR and densities, Share of 65+. See Bonnet, F. (2020). Computations of French lifetables by department, 1901–2014. Demographic Research, 42, 741–762. Income per adult See Bonnet, F., Albis, H. D., & Sotura, A. (2021). Les inégalités de revenu entre les départements français depuis cent ans/Income Inequality across French Departments over the Last 100 Years. Economie et Statistique, 526(1), 49-70. Dataset published on French Regional Database,