The supplemental .zip archive for this publication contains the following do files and meta-information. I developed the do files in Stata 16.1; however, earlier versions of Stata may properly run the syntax as well. 1. Stata program file to create a person-wave data format Step0.Data 2. Stata program file to 1)obtaining the bootstrapped (weighted) multinomial logistic regression coefficients and 2) computing the age-state-specific transition probabilities for each set of bootstrapped parameters Step1&2_Transition probabilities (Bootstrapped).do 3. Stata program file to obtain the radix values 4. Stata program file to construct the distribution of the multistate life table quantities Step4.MSLT 5. A meta-information Word file explaining where and how to obtain the data, under what conditions (license), and how many records and which variables were used in the analysis, along with some basic description of these variables.