Readme file for the replicable material accompanying the publication of "The vanishing advantage of longevity in Nicoya, Costa Rica: A cohort shift" by Luis Rosero-Bixby. The supplemental .zip archive for this publication contains two types of files: A) with supporting information mentioned in the article, and B) with the data and computer code to replicate the results showed in the article. A) SUPPORTING INFORMATION 1. PDF file of Table S1 showing the Gompertz estimates of adult mortality and the resulting median remaining life in Nicoya, Costa Rica and Japan: “1-Table-S1.pdf” 2. PDF file of Appendix S1 with supplemental information and numerical results of the SatScan procedure to detect hotspots of low mortality. It includes tables S2 and S3 with numerical information of the newly detected hotspots: “2-SatScan-SAppendix.pdf” 3. PDF file of Figure S1 showing the sensitivity analysis of attrition: “3-Figure-S1.pdf” B) REPLICATION PACKAGE 4. Program code, software Stata/MP 17.0 to replicate: ML estimates (Figure 1), Lexis surfaces of the relative mortality rate (RMR) in Nicoya (Figure 2), and the age, cohort and period (ACP) effects (Figure 3): “” The input data to run this program are the two files below. 5. Comma-delimited data files, with mortality rates in Costa Rica, Nicoya and Japan (input for code in item 4): “mortrates-1990-2019.csv” rates in Costa Rica and Nicoya obtained from micro-databases provided by the TSE. “mortrates-Japan-up2019.csv” downloaded from the Human Mortality Database (HMD): The first row in these files shows variable names: ------------------------------------------------------------------- Variable name Variable label ------------------------------------------------------------------- male Sex (0=female, 1=male) cohoyr Birth year age Age--completed years year Year when reached age nicoya Nicoya region = 1 ndeaths Number of deaths persyrs Number of person-years of exposure mortrate Mortality rate ------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Comma-delimited data file, input for the SatScan spatial analysis “morta-geoxy2010-20-age65plus.csv” created from TSE micro-databases and geographic coordinates determined by the author. The first row shows variable names as follows: -------------------------------------------------------------------- Variable name Variable label --------------------------------------------------------------------- deaths Number of deaths in 2010-19 exposure_yrs Number of person-years of exposure deaths_expected Predicted deaths with national Gompertz function xlongitude Coordinate longitude West ylatitude Coordinate latitude North location_code Voting location code location_name Voting location name ------------------------------------------------------------------- The spatial analysis was conducted using the application SaTScan v9.6 64-bit downloaded free of charge from: Being an interactive, graphic application, there is no program code. The application requested the following three pieces of information: Cases: “deaths” variable Population: “deaths expected” variable Coordinates (Lat/Long): “ylatitude / xlongitude” variables. Supplementary Appendix S1 provides additional details to replicate the SaTScan analysis. NOTE ABOUT THE TSE MICRO DATABASES The micro databases provided by the registries/elections authority "Tribunal Supremo de Elecciones" (TSE) cannot be made public given that include identification of individuals (Costa Rican Law N. 9694). TSE provided these databases to the University of Costa Rica for research purposes only. Other organizations could obtain the micro databases from TSE after signing inter-institutional agreements. The protocol to obtain micro databases from TSE is described here: "" The following are the TSE micro databases used to create the two aggregate mortality data files included in this replication package: Deaths: MAESTRO_DEFUNCIONES_ENERO 2023.rar Births: MAESTRO_NACIMIENTOS_ENERO 2023.rar Elections lists: PADRON_EXTERNO_ELECCIONES_2022.rar (also 1990, 1994, 1998, 2002, 2006, 210, 2014, and 2018)