The supplemental .zip archive for this publication contains the following files. Stata files were created using Version 16.1 and may not be compatible with earlier versions. Please also note that users should change the working directory in the .do files when running those codes. 1. "data" folder stores the data used for the analyses EngMig.dta => Extracted data from articles included in this meta-analysis Fig_PubTrend_CliMig_Final.csv => Yearly numbers of publication from CliMig dataset Fig_PubTrend_OtherMeta => Yearly numbers of publication from other meta-analysis papers figure_3_mode.grec => Stata file that makes modification on color schemes to Figure 3 2. "results" folder stores results and log files figure_1.png, figure_3.png table_6.doc, table_a2.doc, table_a3.doc figures.log => Stata log file tables.log => Stata log file 3. Stata program file to produce figures 4. Stata program file to product tables. Please note manual editing is needed to make the final tables in the paper