Emmanuel Souza

Emmanuel Souza

Emmanuel Souza is a Malawian academic and researcher who holds a Ph.D in Demography from UPenn in the United States, a Master of Philosophy in Demography from UCT in South Africa, and a BSc in Computer Science and Demography from the University of Malawi. He is a senior lecturer in demography in the Department of Sociology and Population Studies at the University of Malawi. Emmanuel's research interests include fertility and HIV, migration (including immigrant incorporation and remittances), family demography (especially union formation and dissolution), and demographic methods. Between 2020 and 2022, he worked as a Population Data Fellow with UNV, supporting UNFPA's efforts to build capacity in civil registration and vital statistics (CRVS) in developing countries. This work centred on the assessment of the quality and completeness of registration data and statistical data adjustments for incomplete registration data.


University of Malawi


Articles by Emmanuel Souza

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