Cosmo Strozza

Cosmo Strozza

Cosmo Strozza is a Postdoc at the Interdisciplinary Centre on Population Dynamics. As a statistician with a PhD in demography and public health, his research focuses on mortality and health patterns and inequalities at adult and older ages.

His recent research concentrates on exploring social inequalities in survival to and after retirement age, and assessing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on life expectancy levels across different social groups. Currently, he is dedicated to studying disease and health trajectories in aging populations, building upon his dissertation work on physical and cognitive health trajectories in the oldest-old population.

Cosmo's interest also extends to examining inequalities in (healthy) lifespans and cause of death trends and patterns over time and across populations.


Syddansk Universitet

Articles by Cosmo Strozza

Articles in PubMed
Articles in Google Scholar