Alberto Sanz-Gimeno
Alberto Sanz-Gimeno is associate professor in the Applied Sociology Department (Political Sciences and Sociology School) at the University Complutense of Madrid. Their works are based in the study of population and demographic dynamics, with a special attention to the topics on health and childhood mortality from a historical perspective, the changes in fertility and mortality during the demographic transition, the study on the recent migrations and the analysis of the current aging process. Some of the results of his researches have been published in scientific reviews as Demography, Population and Development Review, Population Studies and Continuity and Change, among others
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Articles by Alberto Sanz-Gimeno
Articles in PubMed
Articles in Google Scholar
07 December 2021 | research material
A survey of baby booms and busts in 20th century Spain
Volume: 45 Article ID: 41
Pages: 1255–1268
DOI: 10.4054/DemRes.2021.45.41
23 August 2012 | research article
Mortality decline and reproductive change during the Dutch demographic transition
Volume: 27 Article ID: 11
Pages: 299–338
DOI: 10.4054/DemRes.2012.27.11