Volume 15 - Article 13 | Pages 401–412  

Population and housing: A two-sided relationship

By Clara Mulder


In this paper I explore the relationship between population and housing. I argue that this relationship is two-sided. On the one hand, the size of a population, and particularly the number of households, determines the demand for housing. On the other hand, the availability of suitable and affordable housing may attract certain categories of migrants. It also influences young people’s opportunities to leave the parental home, marry or cohabit, and have children. Furthermore, home-ownership hampers residential mobility and migration by binding people to a place.

Author's Affiliation

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Separation, divorce, and housing tenure: A cross-country comparison
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Putting family centre stage: Ties to nonresident family, internal migration, and immobility
Volume 39 - Article 43

Differences in leaving home by individual and parental education among young adults in Europe
Volume 37 - Article 63

Union dissolution and migration
Volume 34 - Article 26

Family dynamics and housing: Conceptual issues and empirical findings
Volume 29 - Article 14

Geographical distances between adult children and their parents in the Netherlands
Volume 17 - Article 22

A comparative analysis of leaving home in the United States, the Netherlands and West Germany
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