Volume 17 - Article 22 | Pages 655–678  

Geographical distances between adult children and their parents in the Netherlands

By Francesca Michielin, Clara Mulder

This article is part of the Special Collection 6 "Interdependencies in the Life Course: Family, Fertility, and Migration"


We investigate the determinants of geographical distances to parents. We focus on the role of family members who live outside the household (the parents themselves, and siblings), and on the distinction between the effects of life events and effects related to the timing with which these events have been experienced in the life course. We use data from the Netherlands Kinship Panel Study and linear regression models on the logarithm of distance. We find that life-course characteristics are much more important to the distance to parents than parental characteristics. Sibling characteristics, most notably the presence of a sister, also have an impact on this distance.

Author's Affiliation

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