Volume 27 - Article 13 | Pages 365–376  

How life expectancy varies with perturbations in age-specific mortality

By Tomasz Wrycza, Annette Baudisch

This article is part of the ongoing Special Collection 8 "Formal Relationships"


Background: A naturally arising question in demography is how a given change in mortality affects life expectancy. Scholars have targeted this question with different aims and from different perspectives.

Objective: We present and prove the central relationship between change in mortality and resulting change in e0, and we systematically apply it to investigate the effect of specific mortality perturbations.

Comments: Expressions for the change in e_0 resulting from a change in the parameters of the standard parametric mortality model in demography, the Gompertz-Makeham model, include well-known demographic quantities, which might prove useful for future studies.

Author's Affiliation

Other articles by the same author/authors in Demographic Research

The pace of aging: Intrinsic time scales in demography
Volume 30 - Article 57

How lifespan and life years lost equate to unity
Volume 50 - Article 24

Born once, die once: Life table relationships for fertility
Volume 44 - Article 2

Evolution of fixed demographic heterogeneity from a game of stable coexistence
Volume 38 - Article 8

Variance in age at death equals average squared remaining life expectancy at death
Volume 30 - Article 50

Entropy of the Gompertz-Makeham mortality model
Volume 30 - Article 49

Senescence vs. sustenance: Evolutionary-demographic models of aging
Volume 23 - Article 23

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