Volume 42 - Article 24 | Pages 713–726  

Lexis fields

By Tim Riffe, Jose Manuel Aburto

This article is part of the Special Collection 29 "Data Visualization"


Background: Lexis surfaces are visualizations designed to show how a given value changes over age and time. Vector fields are two-dimensional representations of two variables: usually direction and speed (or force).

Objective: We aim to increase the dimensionality of patterns shown on the Lexis surface by placing a vector field on the Lexis surface.

Results: We show Lexis fields of the relationship between life expectancy and the standard deviation of remaining lifespan over age and time. These instruments enable information layering on standard Lexis surfaces that is not common practice.

Contribution: Lexis fields extend the descriptive and analytic power of the Lexis surface, and these can be designed to display information at higher densities than standard Lexis surfaces.

Author's Affiliation

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Dynamics of the coefficient of variation of the age at death distribution
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Leveraging deep neural networks to estimate age-specific mortality from life expectancy at birth
Volume 47 - Article 8

Divergent trends in lifespan variation during mortality crises
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Editorial to the Special Issue on Demographic Data Visualization: Getting the point across – Reaching the potential of demographic data visualization
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Mexican mortality 1990‒2016: Comparison of unadjusted and adjusted estimates
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Exploring the demographic history of populations with enhanced Lexis surfaces
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Geofaceting: Aligning small-multiples for regions in a spatially meaningful way
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The threshold age of the lifetable entropy
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Symmetries between life lived and left in finite stationary populations
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The force of mortality by life lived is the force of increment by life left in stationary populations
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