Hui Zheng

Hui Zheng’s research focuses extensively on social and policy determinants of health, and population process of aging and mortality. He has investigated health consequences of various social structures, institutions, and policies; the trends of socioeconomic and demographic disparities in health; trend and heterogeneity in aging, mortality, and life span; the origins and pathways of health across the life course; the impact of life course dynamics of obesity on mortality; and the role of selection in health production and aging process. Methodologically, he is interested in developing and evaluating statistical and demographic methods to investigate the interplay of social-epidemiological changes, population dynamics, and population heterogeneity on the trends of health / mortality disparities and life expectancy gap. His on-going projects investigate the trend and causes of population health and inequality in the U.S., determinants and consequences of cognitive aging across the life course, and nativity disparities in labor market and health.


Ohio State University

Articles by Hui Zheng

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02 October 2020 | research article

Unobserved population heterogeneity and dynamics of health disparities

Hui Zheng

Volume: 43 Article ID: 34
Pages: 1009–1048
DOI: 10.4054/DemRes.2020.43.34