Albert Esteve

Albert Esteve

Albert Esteve is a demographer who specializes in family, households, and general demography. He has a strong preference for macro-level demography and international comparisons, frequently relying on survey and population census data in his research. He takes particular pride in his work for the Integrated Public Use of Microdata Series (IPUMS) project on its international version. Esteve serves as the director of the Center for Demographic Studies and is a research professor in the Department of Sociology at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. He has had the immense privilege of receiving funding from the European Research Council and the Government of Spain on multiple occasions. Currently, he holds the position of Rector at the European Doctoral School of Demography.


Centre d'Estudis Demogràfics (CED)

Articles by Albert Esteve

Articles in PubMed
Articles in Google Scholar

02 November 2023 | research article

Black–white intermarriage in global perspective

Edward Telles, Albert Esteve, Andrés Castro

Volume: 49 Article ID: 28
Pages: 737–768
DOI: 10.4054/DemRes.2023.49.28

26 November 2020 | research article

Demographic change and increasing late singlehood in East Asia, 2010–2050

Albert Esteve, Ridhi Kashyap, Joan García Román, Yen-Hsin Alice Cheng, Setsuya Fukuda, Wanli Nie, Hyun-ok Lee

Volume: 43 Article ID: 46
Pages: 1367–1398
DOI: 10.4054/DemRes.2020.43.46

24 April 2019 | research article

The living arrangements of Moroccans in Spain: Generation and time

Chia Liu, Albert Esteve, Rocío Treviño

Volume: 40 Article ID: 37
Pages: 1063–1096
DOI: 10.4054/DemRes.2019.40.37

22 May 2014 | descriptive finding

Towards a Geography of Unmarried Cohabitation in the Americas

Antonio López-Gay, Albert Esteve, Julián López-Colás, Iñaki Permanyer, Anna Turu, Sheela Kennedy, Benoît Laplante, Ron Lesthaeghe

Volume: 30 Article ID: 59
Pages: 1621–1638
DOI: 10.4054/DemRes.2014.30.59

09 January 2013 | descriptive finding

Disentangling how educational expansion did not increase women's age at union formation in Latin America from 1970 to 2000

Albert Esteve, Luis Ángel López-Ruiz, Jeroen Spijker

Volume: 28 Article ID: 3
Pages: 63–76
DOI: 10.4054/DemRes.2013.28.3

18 May 2006 | research article

Changes in educational assortative mating in contemporary Spain

Albert Esteve, Clara Cortina

Volume: 14 Article ID: 17
Pages: 405–428
DOI: 10.4054/DemRes.2006.14.17