Special Collection 24

Spatial mobility, family dynamics, and gender relations

Published 28 August 2019

This Special Collection of Demographic Research – edited by Sergi Vidal and Johannes Huinink – highlights the importance of and expands our knowledge on the interplay between family, gender, and spatial mobility. The papers in this special collection deal with a number of under-researched areas that include, but are not restricted to, family ties outside the household and gender differences in willingness to move, circular mobility patterns, and the nonlabour market outcomes of family migration. Insights from these studies not only clarify concrete associations, but also offer roadmaps for revealing the mechanisms that explain them.

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28 August 2019 | reflection

Introduction to the special collection on spatial mobility, family dynamics, and gender relations

Sergi Vidal, Johannes Huinink

Volume: 41 Article ID: 21
Pages: 593–616
DOI: 10.4054/DemRes.2019.41.21

05 December 2018 | reflection

Putting family centre stage: Ties to nonresident family, internal migration, and immobility

Clara Mulder

Volume: 39 Article ID: 43
Pages: 1151–1180
DOI: 10.4054/DemRes.2018.39.43

01 August 2019 | descriptive finding

The role of education and educational–occupational mismatches in decisions regarding commuting and interregional migration from eastern to western Germany

Silvia Maja Melzer, Thomas Hinz

Volume: 41 Article ID: 16
Pages: 461–476
DOI: 10.4054/DemRes.2019.41.16

18 April 2019 | descriptive finding

Gender-specific effects of commuting and relocation on a couple's social life

Natascha Nisic, Stefanie Kley

Volume: 40 Article ID: 36
Pages: 1047–1062
DOI: 10.4054/DemRes.2019.40.36

25 June 2019 | research article

Gender differences in willingness to move for interregional job offers

Martin Abraham, Sebastian Bähr, Mark Trappmann

Volume: 40 Article ID: 53
Pages: 1537–1602
DOI: 10.4054/DemRes.2019.40.53

24 January 2019 | research article

Does moving for family nest-building inhibit mothers' labour force (re-)entry?

Stefanie Kley, Sonja Drobnič

Volume: 40 Article ID: 7
Pages: 155–184
DOI: 10.4054/DemRes.2019.40.7

30 April 2019 | research article

Changes in gender role attitudes following couples' residential relocations

Sergi Vidal, Philipp M. Lersch

Volume: 40 Article ID: 39
Pages: 1111–1152
DOI: 10.4054/DemRes.2019.40.39

Article ID